Friday, December 28, 2012


There has been SO much hype about this book in the blogging community, and pretty much every review I've read has been positive (spare one or two) so I was pretty excited to read it.  Back in 10th grade I read Alice's Adventures In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and I have to tell you, they didn't amaze me (actually, they kind of confused me) but that's okay, because I did enjoy them well enough.  Now, I've always been a fan of things that are slightly twisted when it comes to books and movies/tv shows, so this book just called to me.  I wasn't disappointed at all.  I sped through the book in two days, and I was IMMENSELY pleased with the words that had been printed on the page.  Based on my one reading of the original story, along with watching the movies (by Tim Burton and Disney) I wasn't as lost as one could be if you had on idea what happened in the book to begin with, but the author took that classic tale and twisted it all around until it was almost unrecognizable.  There were all of the main points of the original book, along with a main character that is all her own (in terms of style, mind, and power), TWO scrumptious boys (although I only ever rooted for one), and a world so twisted Tim Burton would be proud (actually, I can see him working on this if it ever turned into a movie).  Admittedly I was overwhelmed in some parts by just slightly too much detail, but overall the effect just pulled me deeper into the world, and the ending left me feeling very pleased.  Personally I think there COULD be another book that comes after this one, but I am perfectly content with this novel as a stand alone work.  Regardless of what happens with this novel in terms of series, I hope to see A. G. Howard continue her writing career, because she has great talent for telling a story.

Out January 1, 2013

5/5 dust spirits

*Thanks to Abram books for the ARC in return for an honest review.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been reading the reviews of this book, but I have seen lots of them in my feed and they all seemed to be general positive, and this is the first review I have actually read. You caught my attention with the Burton/Wonderland snippet. I didn't realize it was a version of Alice in Wonderland and now I am very curious about the book.
