Thursday, February 2, 2012

Review-The Fault in Our Stars

I picked up The Fault in Our Stars because I had read and really enjoyed John's first novel Looking for Alaska (if you haven't read I suggest you pick it up ASAP), and because he was coming to Seattle for part of his tour.  People have been raving about this book, and I do have to admit, it was a good book.  There were parts of it that really struck me in the right place, and the characters were great because they were imperfect.  I almost cried a few times (I would have except I stopped reading so I wouldn't) and there were times when I laughed and "awwed".  John is so great at putting emotion into his book and making them into these great journeys through the soul.  They make you think about everything in your life.  It was amazing, but it was not so jaw-dropping that I was left gaping like a fish.  That doesn't mean it was bad though.  On the contrary, it was good, I don't think you can call this book "bad" in any way because it wasn't bad.  Maybe it was all of the hype about it, or maybe it was just waiting so long for a new book from John Green that was different from the amazing Will Grayson, Will Grayson which blew my mind, but I wasn't swiped off my feet.  I was still so happy to be able to read this book because it was such a good read.  I think if you're a fan of John Green's other books you should pick it up, and if you haven't read any of his books this is a great one to start with.  John really is a literary genius and I have no doubt at least one of his books will go down in history as a modern classic, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was this one.  Beautifully written The Fault in Our Stars is not something to miss out on.  Bravo John, and I will be reading your next book as well.

4.5/5 dust spirits

1 comment:

  1. Great review! John Green is a great author and I hope by the time I pick up this book myself that it deserves all the high praises it has been getting. Sounds sad, this book, though.
