Thursday, February 2, 2012

February Debut Author Interview + Giveaway

Today on the blog I have the honor of hosting the lovely Jessica Spotswood, who's debut novel Born Wicked comes out on February 7th.  You can see my review here and now let's get onto the interview.  Jessica's answers are not bold.

Hi Jessica, I know that it’s been really busy with your book being released and all but thank you for taking time out of your crazy schedule to do a few interview questions for the blog!  In the effort of saving you time I’ll skip all of the major questions about you and your book. So as a quick introduction tell us one thing about you and one thing about your book that no one knows?

About me: well, I am randomly, ridiculously scared of vines – like afraid they will tangle me up and eat me, maybe?  I don’t know! They just freak me out. About BW: in my very early notes, Cate’s name was Kate, Maura was Moira, and Tess was Tez. That didn’t last very long.

Now, I’ve read your book, and I’m curious to know, are the two other books going to be from Cate’s POV or from Tess and Maura’s?

The next two books will also be from Cate’s POV. I’m hoping that at some point I might get to do a story from another POV, though (Maura’s or maybe Sachi’s?).

Speaking of Cate, Maura, and Tess, I assume that’s Cate on the cover.  Do you think Tess and Maura will be on the next two covers? Do you think they did Cate justice?  If they end up putting Tess and Maura on the next covers do you think they will be done justice?

I actually think the cover looks like Maura, with her red hair and bright blue eyes and her intensity. I love the BW cover – the colors and composition are so lush; I hope it will really stand out on the shelf!  I have no idea who the next covers will feature, although I think Penguin will be working with the same photographer, Alexandra Sophie. 

If you were a woman in New London would you be a witch? Or would you be a cabbagehead? Or maybe you would be part of the Sisterhood?  Where would you place yourself in your own world?

I’d probably be a bluestocking like Marianne and Clara Belastra, reading and peddling forbidden books and trying not to get caught by the Brotherhood! I just can’t imagine giving up reading! 

In the time that you’re writing about women are supposed to be chaste but Cate, she has some interesting adventures with various lips attached to various attractive men.  Which man would you rather kiss?

Finn, definitely! I’d go for the dorky-cute, witty booklover every time. And my husband happens to have freckles himself. J

You have also created a world where woman are oppressed, did you do this on purpose or was it just because you were sticking with the times?

When I was brainstorming, I came up with the idea of the witches vs the Brotherhood before I realized when the book was taking place. I wanted to write about a society where educated, independent girls weren’t valued but without making it seem preachy.

The title is such a huge part of the book, do you have a title picked out for books two and three or are they still untitled?  Will the second and third titles have as much meaning as the first one did (if you can’t tell us what the titles are)?

Oh, this question made me laugh because I was just in NYC last week and my editor and agent and I were brainstorming titles for the second book. We haven’t figured it out yet! I hope it will fit as well as BORN WICKED does.

There were so many surprises in the book, did any of them surprise you or did you have it all planned out?  Is the whole trilogy planned out or do you write randomly with no outline?

I can’t remember being surprised by any of the twists in BW, although I was very surprised by one in Book 2! I have the major milestones plotted out for the trilogy, but how I get there changes quite a bit as I write. I wrote BW with a very spare outline, and my editor and I hammered out an outline for Book 2 together, but I still deviate sometimes. 

Do you have a favorite scene or line from Born Wicked?  If so what is it?  Any snippet you can share from Born Wicked 2?

My favorite scene is Cate and Finn’s first kiss in the hidden room. I was so excited that Penguin featured it in the book trailer. As for book 2– I will promise more kissing scenes. And right now I’m writing about a book burning!

You’re part of a group of 2012 YA debuts called The Apocalypsies, what books would you recommend we look out for in the coming year (no, you can’t pick your own)?

My very favorite so far has been UNDER THE NEVER SKY by Veronica Rossi. I was fascinated by the world-building, and I loved the way that Perry and Aria grew together past their original misconceptions about each other. I just read and loved GILT by Katherine Longshore, which is a sexy historical set at the court of Henry VIII, but is at its heart about female friendships.

And last but not least, in fact, it’s the most important question, Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Team Jacob, actually. He makes her laugh.

Thanks so much for agreeing to do the interview with me even though I know how busy you are!  Team Finn all the way here, sorry Paul, but Finn, so much hotter.

Thank you so much for the wonderful interview!

Now, I have an extra ARC copy of Born Wicked and I've decided to give it away to one of you in honor of Jessica's interview!  All you have to do is fill out the form and answer a few questions based on the interview.  The form is HERE.  The contest will run until February 29th at 12:00 midnight and winnners will be anounced the next day.

The winner of the previous giveaway is April X and she has been notified.


  1. I think Cate's adventures with various men add an interesting layer of complexity and defiance against societal expectations.
